Friday, May 12, 2017

The Haymarket Riot

 “The Haymarket Riot. The Explosion and the Conflict“ by W. Ottman, 1889 | Illinois During the Gilded Age | NIU Digital Library
On the evening of May 4, 1886, an unknown individual lobbed a dynamite bomb into a formation of Chicago police officers...

The above image is a contemporary artist’s imagining of the moment of the bomb’s explosion, found in Anarchy and Anarchists: A History of the Red Terror in America and Europe by Michael Schaack (Chicago: F.J. Schulte and Co., 1889). It appears in Illinois During the Gilded Age.

On the evening of May 4, 1886, an unknown individual lobbed a dynamite bomb into a formation of Chicago police officers sent to disperse an anarchist meeting in Chicago’s Haymarket Square. The panicked police responded with a hail of gunfire directed into the crowd attending the meeting. When order once again prevailed, seven police officers and at least that many private citizens lay dead, with many more wounded. These events touched off a wave of civic upheaval as Americans discussed the Haymarket bomb in light of the period’s rapidly changing economic and social conditions. It also led to a celebrated trial of eight avowed anarchists, the execution or death in prison of five of them, and Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeld’s bold pardon of the remaining three.

See in NIU Digital Library 

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